Sunday, November 26, 2006
ah another day's passed and band camp is nearing. together with the SYF audition, SYF 2007 and sec3 2007 is coming. and i have yet to complete my homework. not even taking them out to see. oh man! theres maths homework on the e learning website. i dont feel like doing homework anymore. i guess i wouldnt be as free as i am now next year either. sighhh. what a big problem.
practise practise! exercise exercise is what ive been telling myself. sheesh but dont seem to be doing it. ive practically no time for all that. well maybe i do slack sometimes. sigh this is not getting me anywhere. when year 2007 starts. i'll have to be fit enough for PFT! arghs. dont like pft. especially the 2.4km run. so annoying. sheesh! better go do some push-ups.
but the clarinetting helps to strengthen my right arm xD hahas. the left one, i'll have to do it myself haha. and i just realised my right thumb is crooked! after almost 2 years of clarinetting my right thumb has become crooked. i think its quite obvious when you look at it. it kind of aches a little when i bend it backwards. how terrible. but oh well, its for the sake of the band. sigh.
clarinet section sec4 farewell outing is also nearing. well actually its tomorrow. hahas. got many things to pack for band camp as well. 'many' things. how has my holidays been lately. well i can say intense, stressful and not very good. man its coming to an end of november! have yet to touch the booklist. i got to do something about it!
thinking of sec3 reminds me of my good old sec2 friends. will be missing them. we're all in different classes now. separation. sigh.
to the good friends of mine out there. remember to keep in contact! even when we're all old and senile. hahas. well going to my grandfather's house later. better enjoy the time now before school reopens and homework is all we'll be thinking of man!
i shall end here then. have a geat holiday! hope i do too. write again another time.
i blogged @
12:12 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
hellos. its been almost a month already. its so fast and next week's the band camp and followed up by SYF auditions. arghs! im afraid im going to screw the audition up just like what happened the last time for the fantasia audition. time flies. and im already thinking about stepping down as a sec4 senior xD and how nice it would be when i come back as an alumni to perform with the 'juniors' for fantasia 2009 maybe. hahas
wahooo its 49! forty-nine!!. anyways, havent been able to enjoy the holidays. when the year end concert is over i'll have to complete all my homeworks. urghs crap! theres still english and maths. oh i cant be bothered. WHY homework!! its a year end HOLIDAY. sighhh. i hate school. sometimes i just feel like quitting. hate this thing about persistance. urghs!
i feel awfully tired. its not just the usual 'tired'. im getting sick of all these. i hate this student life. arghhsss! how i wish i could just end it all. why does god have to make us stupid when we came into this world. i think being an animal would be much more relaxed than human. at least all they need to learn is the basics hunting skills. or learn how to fly. or just stand up and learn how to graze on grass. no need for intelligence. urghs. hate this life.
how long more do i have to bear with all these? i dont think i can handle it much longer. im goin to collapse. and by then everything will be resolved. no more problems. sighh. hopefully i dont become a human again after this life. a human's life is too stressful. with all the responsibilities. and having to see idiots walking around in this world everyday. such as
people who smoke. i dont want to die of lung cancer. i want a natural death. not like them who want to die unnaturally. urghs i just want a peaceful life. i think its too much to ask for. thats pathetic.
just pathetic.
i blogged @
6:37 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
or you can get to the website through this link for a larger video.
i blogged @
1:01 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006
hello and good evening. i got nothing to do now so i thought i could post something. performed for the primary 3s to 6s during their recesses on wednesday. just realised that the canteen sells cool things. such as cup noodles and i mean cup. its cooked noodles in cups. so cute isnt it. and i saw this girl eating from this container which contained this pink thing. it has a stick in the middle. i guess its ice cream or something. how cool. hahas primary school people are pretty innovative =x no offense. even the lift is pretty. its like made of 4 walls of silver xD. unlike the one in the d&t block at the secondary site. it looks nicer.
had band this morning. did canto and der vogelhandler. the guy gave us a count of the remaining practises for the dr.lynch's concert pieces. i think he said there were only 5 left or something. cant really remember. while the practises for der vogelhandler was 8. thats pretty fast. we'll be having SYF auditions too. to pick out the people who cant play. oh dear. i think im going to scrw that up! i dont do very well in 1 on 1s. ahhh *sobs*
nobody celebrated my birthday this year. spent it on ms ho's wedding! sheesh only invited us to play for her wedding and then we went home. sighhh. my mum bought a cake though. had it the next morning. (wow, everything sounds so summarised)
alright! i think i should end here now. have a good holiday~
i blogged @
10:22 AM
Friday, November 10, 2006
hellos. hmm i want to change my skin. but cant seem to find a nice one. anyways, i havent been posting lately. partly because of the stress and exams that were going on before. and the intense band practises. well i suppose they were pretty intense to some degree. i think this is going to be a very long post. so prepare yourselves. alright! lets begin.
#1 - got my results back on the 6th nov which was my friend's birthday. she gave me this tiny cake on that day as my present as well. and my other friend gave me a soft toy. a pink puppy. uh huh. it was thoughtful of them. nods. also, my birthday was spent on one of my band teacher-in-charge's wedding. how 'wonderful' wasnt it. it occupied half of my birthday on the 3rd of nov. from about.. 3pm til nearing 9pm. uh huh. then i went for supper with danielle, dora and laycheng.
it was pretty late by then and we were carrying our instruments, so we decided to go somewhere nearby. and that was why we went to plaza singapura. we kind of got "lost" after coming out the mrt. but we found our way through~ ate at kfc. the place was extremely crowded! it was two times the number of people in the afternoon. after eating and laughing a lot due to some thing i said(?), we took the mrt to toa payoh and my mum came to pick us up and then send dora and laycheng home. danielle dropped at bishan.
okay! lets shift the subject back to the class problem.
actually. i dont feel contented about being in class 3/2 next year. there'll be a lot of competition. and my sec2 math teacher said that the subjects will be slightly harder and i'll even have to pass my very first CAs which she said was hard and for those who had never failed in their entie life, this may be the first time theyre going to fail. like oh goodness!
#2 - then comes the end of the year concert. there'll be this guest conductor from the U.S. ? hes going to be conducting the 2nd half of the concert. also! our conductor will be conducting an audition to see whether we can play the SYF piece. every single part of it. we'll be playing it infront of him like 1 to 1! oh man i cant do 1 to 1s its so stressful! oh i remember the last audition i had. i totally screwed it up! even with 2 other people in the 3 people audition. i screwed it all up! i just cant seem to perform alone or with a few other people without feeling SO EXTREMELY tensed up. sigh~ im such a failure. stage fright i suppose.
#3 - another year has passed already. everything is going so quickly. then followed up by the band camp. and the concert. then sec3 (upper sec!!) then comes SYF. sighh. im terribly stressed thinking of it. and im having loads of white hair already!! and im going to be separated from my friends. sighhh!! i'll be all alone. nevermind i'll have to be independant! i'll probably have no time for friends next year. sighh its such a saddening thing to think of.
#4 - alright. then i think i shall stop here now. goodbye~ must practise hard for the concert people!! also! work hard next year!! then comes O levels xD. oh wells. my conclusion is
WORK HARD FOR WHATEVER IS IN STORED FOR US. DONT FORGET YOUR FRIENDS!! oh and hey dora, i wont forget to leave a seat for you on monday. but wednesday may be a problem?? cause of the number of juniors and such? so if i cant leave a seat for you, then.. sorry in advance.
i blogged @
11:08 AM